sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ɪɴғᴏ (54) 썸네일형 리스트형 doc address 보호되어 있는 글입니다. (p.20) The ZOO - FNA(famous net artist) https://rhizome.org/editorial/2017/feb/21/all-you-need-is-link/ All You Need is Link Observations from the year 2000 on being a Famous Net Artist. rhizome.org (p.18)My Boyfriend Came Back from the war1996-Olia Lialina My Boyfriend Came Back from the war1996 - Olia Lialina(올리아 리알리나) >Wiki My Boyfriend Came Back From the War is a browser-based internet artwork created in 1996 by Russian artist Olia Lialina. My Boyfriend Came Back From the War is an example of interactive hypertext storytelling. The work consists of nested frames with black and white web pages and (sometimes animated) grainy GIF images. When cli.. (p.16) Eva Grubinger's C@C Computer Aided Curating (1993) Eva Grubinger's C@C Computer Aided Curating (1993) : Eva Grubinger is an Austrian sculptor and installation artist. C@C – Computer Aided Curating (1993-1995) https://evagrubinger.com/home/computer-aided-curating#image-1 Eva Grubinger | C@C - Computer Aided Curating C@C - Computer Aided Curating C@C – Computer Aided Curating, 1993 - 95 Screens KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin Text: Andre.. (p.9)ARCHIVE 2020 sustainable archiving of born-digital cultural content(pdf file) http://aaaan.net/archive-2020-sustainable-archiving-of-born-digital-cultural-content/ http://aaaan.net/archive-2020-sustainable-archiving-of-born-digital-cultural-content/ ARCHIVE 2020 sustainable archiving of born – digital cultural content Published on May 1st, 2010 * * * * * * * * * * * * Archives have the important task of saving cultural heritage from being lost forever. The field of archiv.. (p.9)Black Cube(Box) and White Cube +gray cube Digital technologies and practices have both blended dimensions of the White Cube (the modern gallery and museum space) and Black Box (the digital and physical spaces outside of it) and enabled them to operate independently of each other. https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2019/rayyane-tabet-alien-property/white-cube-black-box#:~:text=Digital%20technologies%20and%20practices%20have,o.. New dark age(Technology and the End of the Future) - James Bridle How the Information Age destroys knowledge We live in times of increasing inscrutability. Our news feeds are filled with unverified, unverifiable speculation, much of it automatically generated by anonymous software. As a result, we no longer understand what is happening around us. Underlying all of these trends is a single idea: the belief that quantitative data can provide a coherent model of .. Curating Digital Art(From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-curation) -Annet Dekker 2021, Valiz | supported by Creative Industries Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NL | Pb | 352 pp. | 24 x 14.8 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-94-93246-01-0 | € 26,50 Dedicated to pioneering curators, artists and designers from the world of digital art. Presents a collection of interviews about the potential of exhibiting digital art, both offline and on the web. Reflects on the gaps between .. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 7 다음